Egypt Study Circle Auction 63
**** CLOSING Date and Time for all Postal/Email Bids is
MIDNIGHT (UK Time), Thursday September 30, 2021 ****
In room bidding will happen during the meeting to be held at the autumn Stampex on Saturday October 2, 2021 between 2pm and 4 pm.
Please note that the illustrations
supplied from various sources are of varying quality; the colours should be considered only as approximate
representations of the items' true colours.
The prices are the reserve price and under bids will be ignored.
Bidding steps: £1 - £5, 50p; £5 - £20, £1; £20 - £50 - £2; £50 - £100, £5; over £100, £10.
Multiple image links like these:-
Indicate that the lot in question has more than one associated image.
Don't forget to click on all the links
Lot | Description | Reserve |
001 |
20 Oct 2020, £E4 stamp issued for CAPMAS with mistake in the spelling of Egypt – EYGPT.
This stamp was later withdrawn from all post offices in the country.
Full mint sheet of 50 stamps (part illustrated)
| £190.00
002 |
As above, EYGPT error on commem stamp on FDC with same spelling in first-day special cancel
| £40.00
003 |
As last, error stamp in lower marginal UMM block of six (2x3)
| £38.00
004 |
3 April 2021, Golden Parade of the Pharaohs issue, commemorative presentation pack including all 22 stamps at £E5 each on First Day cover
plus mini sheet and strip of three on FDC plus brochure (only 1500 printed). Sold out at post offices in ten days (part illustrated)
| £68.00
005 |
1880-81, two neat examples of first postcard, 1879 De La Rue 20 para (NP SPC1), used from Ismailia and Cairo to Alexandria. Clean markings on both cards

| £10.00
006 |
29 MR 26, 10 mills registered envelope (NP SRE3, De La Rue) uprated with First Fuad 5m and sent from Tukh to Rashid (clear backstamp)

| £18.00
007 |
18 SE 34, Fuad embossed 1930 5 mills letter sheet (NP SLS10), uprated with Fuad 15m and sent from Zagazig to downtown Cairo with Postmen Cairo arrival 2 ½ hours later
  | £15.00
008 |
4 FE 40, Boy King 15 mills registered envelope with ruled frame around stamp vignette (NP SRE10, cat $250.00), used Arabic-addressed from Fashn to Cairo. Clean cover.
  | £25.00
009 |
1 DE 40, Boy King 5mills letter sheet (NP SLS 11, cat $100), uprated with Boy King 1+5+20m for registration and AR and sent from Bulaq Cairo downtown.
Arrival time same as departure cds
| £15.00
010 |
24 MA 52, Farouk Marechal 10m letter sheet (NP SLS 13), uprated with pair of Marechal 10m and 20m with KES opt, for registration and AR En Ville in Cairo
| £15.00
011 |
1984 55 mills registered letter sheet of 1969 uprated with 2pi+5m adhesives and used En Ville within Cairo from Saiyida Zeinab to El-Daher. Original sheet is Nile Post SRLS1, with printing error broken U of UAR

| £20.00
012 |
6 SE 51 , UPU postal identity card from the Egyptian Post in the name of Ahmad Mohammad Chehab, valid for three years, and photograph
tied by 2x40m Farouk definitives and taxed with 2x5m general revenues.
| £15.00
013 |
1935, Insured and Registered cover from Cairo to Baveno in Italy, franked with King Fouad 15+200mills stamps and with five wax seals

| £75.00
014 |
1932-1980, group of 12 Express covers, all franked at correct rate for the time, showing a wide variety of Express cachets and circular datestamps

| £20.00
015 |
1909-1985, group of 26 incoming covers and postcards from unusual sources including Equatorial Africa, Yugoslavia, Italy, Mauritius, Aden,
South Africa, Switzerland, Lebanon, Russia, Cyprus, Albania, Japan, China, Saar, Norway Mexico, Vatican
| £28.00
016 |
1913-1918, group of three registered Official covers used from Tanta and San Stefano, all addressed to Armenian lawyer
Boghos Bey Agopian of Mixed Court in Alexandria
| £35.00
017 |
1934-1955, group of nine covers and postcards, local and incoming, all of them carrying postage due markings and/or postage Due stamps – 4,6,10,10,20 mills
| £28.00
018 |
1909-1939, Ten covers all used with TPO handstamps: Tanta-Dumiat, Cairo-Asyut, Aswan-Luxor, Cairo-Asyut (Type 4A1), Cairo-Alex,
Cairo-Tanta, Alex-Cairo, Dumiat-Tanta, Mansura TPO,
| £30.00
019 |
1910-1952, group of ten covers used with TPO markings as last, including Tanta-Mahalla Kobra, Minya-Cairo, Aswan-Luqsor,
Dumiat-Tanta, Tanta-Sa el-Hagar, Tanta TPO, Damanhur-Tanta
| £30.00
020 |
1929-1940, five covers used locally, all with Rural markings, including Bani-Mazar-Hilmia, Zagazig-Hihya,
| £24.00
021 |
1918-1938, ten covers locally used with Rural markings including Basyun-Kafr el-Dawar, Faraskur-Ghoneimia, Qanatir Khairia-Izbit Awkaf Malakiya (blue), Tod-Talaa
| £35.00
022 |
1907-1917, four covers locally used with Rural markings including Wasta arrival from Tammuh, Nabaroh II (cartouche Behout), Tanta arrival from Santa
| £30.00
023 |
Feb 1947, Obvious forgery of Rural marking on a rather neat Express cover from Cairo to Shoubra.. Biba-Dashtout (with final UT missing as usual)
Rural marking of 1914 added to the face in blue.

| £10.00
024 |
1898-1932, Group of six covers with different markings for Alexandria Station, Cairo Station, Tanta Station
| £18.00
025 |
1924-1953, group of covers and a certificate, all of them duty paid with stamps from booklets, including pair of First Fuad 5m on document,
Harrison’s 5m, Fuad 5m, Boy King 5 and 6m, Republican Soldier 10m

| £30.00
026 |
1900,1905, two black and white postcards, addressed to Constantinople (1900) and Yorkshire (1905), franked respectively with1pi rose DLR and vertical pair if 1pi blue DLR.
Why these unusual amounts?

| £12.00
027 |
24 X 13, commercial cover addressed En Ville from Alex to Armenian lawyer Boghos Bey Agopian in San Stefano. Stamp apparently lost en route and taxed on
arrival with 2 mills green Postage Due

| £18.00
028 |
5 SE 32, Arabic-addressed cover franked with 5m Fuad and 1926 15m Agriculture Exhibition commem to make full registration
rate Cairo to Bulkely. But commem valid only to April 1926 and so received pencil “O” for obsolete notice.. Nonetheless arrived in Bulkely four hours later

| £15.00
029 |
19 JU 37, neatly addressed cover sent post-restante from Heliopolis (fine Lausanne cds behind), franked block of four Fuad Postes 5m, redirected from
Lausanne to Dijon and received 30c Due on arrival in France

| £15.00
030 |
23 I 41, Postcard of the Lloyd Triestino mailboat Vienna produced by Edgardo Canarutto of Trieste, franked with Italian 60c adhesive
perfinned by rare LT marking (for Lloyd Triestino). From Brindisi, Arabic addressed to Cairo. Clean and unusual

| £12.00
031 |
1938, unused postcard of the interior of a two-bed first-class cabin with sofa aboard the paquebot SS El Nil. Photograph by Dores of Alexandria.
| £12.00
032 |
1938, unused postcard of de luxe two-bed cabin on the El Nil
| £12.00
033 |
1913/1924, Egyptian State Telegraphs telegram form with Arabic message and receipt of Zagazig Station (16 AUG 13); receipt from Tor
Telegraph Office (Sinai) for cost of telegram (15 DEC 24)
| £14.00
034 |
24 XII 60, Shepheard’s Hotel machine marking for 60 milliemes franking a hotel stationery cover to Wageningen, Holland. Mistakenly sent first to
Helwan, misreading for Holland

| £8.00
035 |
1980, mint colour card of the Eliyahu Hanavi Synagogue in Alexandria
| £8.00
036 |
13 FE 34, unrecorded CDS. Cover from Heliopolis to Cairo with 5m Fuad, with clear strikes of Abu-Kibir-Diarb Nigm & VV
(Type 7A3.5, recorded only Apr 1939), but CDS with clearly flattened curves top and bottom, most unusual. Reverse has three
clear cancels, including & VV / Zaqaziq-Aga (Type 7A3.7, recorded JA 34 to AU 37)

| £15.00
037 |
19 FE 11, Arabic -addressed cover from Damanhur to Armenian lawyer in Gianaclis, Alexandria, franked with 5m DLR and cancelled with scarce
Damanhur / TPO / Kafr el Dawwar (Type 5A2.2, recorded only 1907-08). Reverse has Kafr el Dawwar and Sidi Gaber transit, San Stefano arrival

| £18.00
038 |
12 JU 36, Small cover printed for Daira of Khedive Abbas franked with 3x5m Fuad and cancelled with Tanta-El Mahalla / el Kobra / & VV
(Type 7A3.5, recorded only Dec 47), addressed to London via Tanta and Alex

| £12.00
039 |
12 IX 13, 5 mills DLR letter sheet (wmk DLR London, so NP SLS4, 1911), addressed to His Excellency Ibrahim Bey Rachid in Cairo, full message in French

| £12.00
040 |
12 XII 20, 5 mills DLR letter sheet (no watermark so NP SLS6a, 1916), Arabic addressed from Zaqaziq to Beni Suef with transit marks
Cairo-Asyut / & VV and Cairo Station

| £12.00
041 |
10 OC 21, 5 mills DLR letter sheet (wmk Egyptian Postage, so NP SLS8, 1921), Arabic addressed from Asyut to Tewfikiya School in Shubra

| £12.00
042 |
22 JU 23, 5 mills DLR pink stationery letter sheet (Egyptian Postage wmk, NP SLS9, 1923), sent from Mansura to Abdin in Cairo,
cancelled Mansura-Mit Ghamr / & VV (Type 7A3)

| £14.00
043 |
-6 MA 35, 5 mills Fuad embossed letter sheet (NP SLS10, 1935) uprated with 3x5m Fuad for Express from Fayum to Beni Suef,
cancelled with Fayum-Cairo / & VV (Type 7A3, recorded only 1939-40))

| £14.00
044 |
1954-55, group of five interesting covers all franked with adhesives from the series with King Farouk’s portrait defaced with three bars
| £12.00
045 |
1929-1989, group of six colourful covers from Sudan to Egypt including surcharges, air mails, registered and postal stationery
| £20.00
046 |
30 x 11, cover from Beni Suef to Cairo franked with DLR 5 mills booklet stamp (see guillotined perfs at left), reverse has arrival cds of Faggala

| £25.00
047 |
1987-2006, group of three large parcel cards, all furnished with high-value stamps, including 200m/500m definitives and 2005 psychiatry conference 150pt
| £10.00
048 |
1971 “soldier stamp” (SG 1097) in clean unmounted mint block of four, and with five copies properly used in 1973 on a
Cairo Express cover to a soldier on the front line
| £10.00
049 |
1926, the first Express stamp, 20 mills (SG E138), vertical pair perfect condition unmounted mint
| £20.00
050 |
1944 Express stamp (NPEX4), single UMM with unrecorded flaw: thin line rising from postman’s back
| £10.00
051 |
1913-15, blocks of Official overprint stamps, three blocks of four and one of eight, all used with good postmarks
| £10.00
052 |
1887-89, group of 15 used Postage Due stamps
| £20.00
053 |
1962, 2 mills Postage Due, full sheet of 100 stamps with A/62 control, UAR watermark and full selvedge (NP PD56). Perfect condition, unmounted mint (part illustrated only)
| £30.00
054 |
1928, large envelope (24x17cm) bilingually printed for Al-Hilal magazine and addressed to the director of the El-Zahra magazine in Dawawin,
franked at periodical printed matter rate with Fuad 1 millième stamp and cancelled by Cairo / F. No backstamp
| £20.00
055 |
1954 tall booklet (12x21cm) of eight pages titled Helouan, Health at the Gates of Cairo, advertising its cures and visitor accommodation, excellent condition
| £14.00
056 |
1955 sepia photo postcard showing Western Desert Resthouse at Wadi Natroun on the Cairo-Alexandria Road. Printed in Italy, published by Solly, Cairo

| £8.00
057 |
May 2012, incoming registered Air Mail cover from Naseej in Saudi Arabia addressed to Mehalla Kobra.
Received on arrival an instructional cachet reading “Parcels Department Bomb Inspection No 1”.
The cover was opened and went on its way resealed by new Egypt Post red and green sealing tape

| £12.00
058 |
Greek - 1940 certificate issued by Greek Chamber of Commerce in Alexandria, with duty paid by square Greek 5-drachma revenue and Egyptian 50 mills general revenue
| £15.00
059 |
Kerosene – group of ten patrol ration labels
| £25.00
060 |
Tobacco – 2019-20, three Cigarette Tax revenues
| £15.00
061 |
Tobacco – March/April 2021, the last issue of Cigarette Tax revenues
| £10.00
062 |
Child Health – group of 20 different labels raising funds to fight children’s tuberculosis
| £20.00
063 |
Consular Service – 37 revenue stamps of all designs and values for the Consular Service
| £30.00
064 |
Universities – group of 37 revenues for paying student taxes
| £30.00
065 |
1948-61, group of four Shell Co Egypt service station receipts, duty paid with revenues all punched with the company’s shell-shaped perfin
| £15.00
066 |
1919-33, group of four printed Credit Lyonnais covers (Cairo Branch), all franked with adhesives carrying the company’s “CLC” perfins
| £18.00
067 |
1867-75 issues. Striking accumulation of 108 stamps on stock cards from these early issues, virtually all used, mainly with hinge remains behind.
Compiled when? Not examined by present seller
| £60.00
068 |
27 JA 27, Full set of three for Cotton Congress with special Congress handstamp on Semiramis Hotel printed envelope. Clearly never travelled, and two days late for FDC
| £6.00
069 |
27 JA 55, Air cover addressed to Canada and franked with all three commemoratives of the Arab Postal Union issue (Nile Post C153-55).
Cancelled with Cairo / Foreign Traffic CDS without Arabic, with faint transit/arrival mark behind
| £4.00
070 |
1946, Boy King 30m olive, mint block of 15 (3x5) showing broken figure “3” in stamp 32 of the sheet (NP D148b). Hinge remains on selvage only
| £12.00
071 |
1922 2pi Postage Due with Crown overprint inverted (Bal 222b, Magdi 20d), mint, hinge trace, 8,000 printed
| £20.00
072 |
1927 Postage Due, 2 mills royal misperf (Bal 317b, Magdi 31e1), UMM, 1,600 printed
| £4.00
073 |
1938 Official series (Bal 388 etc, Magdi 51 etc), group of six values with royal misperfs, UMM, one 15m with small rust spots behind
| £14.00
074 |
1986, Sudan Drought Relief (Bal 1098a), 15+5m semipostal with yellow colour shifted to bleed off stamp at right, UMM
| £6.00
075 |
1941, Air set, 25 mills reddish purple with cloud below value tablet (Bal 399b, Magdi 28a), left marginal block of four, UMM
| £7.00
076 |
1959, Nefertiti 100mills with 55m surcharge (Balian 586d, Magdi 274a). UAP for UAR plus opt flaws (broken 5, Arabic 5 filled etc), two control blocks of four, both UMM
| £12.00
077 |
1989, Nehru Centenary (Bal 1188a, Magdi 1074a) with correcting overprint misplaced, example “used” but not cancelled on fragment, together with UMM marginal example as corrected
| £8.00
078 |
1890, complete booklet pane of DLR 5 mills individually hand-cancelled and paying 3pi duty on all-Arabic document signed by four witnesses and
authenticated with their signet handstamps. Excellent condition 21x17cm
| £30.00
079 |
25 8 25, complete booklet pane of First Fuad 5 mills hand-cancelled with the name Selim Eff. Scander and paying 3pi duty on all-Arabic document
(A4) authenticated by red circular handstamp
| £24.00
080 |
5 FE 30, Full booklet pane of six 5 mills 1927 Fuad definitives used to pay 3-piastre duty on elegant A4 note from Professor of French J.Zagger at Tanta Secondary School asking the head’s permission to give extracurricular lessons to Ismail Ibrahim el Chahafi on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Letter pinned to completed form detailing Zagger’s school responsibilities. Stamps vigorously hand-cancelled
| £18.00
081 |
4 OC 34, small envelope addressed Alexandria En Ville, endorsed "Express" with handstamp and in manuscript, franked properly for 20m rate with 4x5m Fuad adhesives. Stamps are in two pairs, all from a booklet (trimmed perforations at top or bottom). Cancelled at 8am, and receiver on reverse, Alexandria / Delivery, is timed at 8-10AM. Express.
| £7.00
082 |
23 JL 36, Local cover within Cairo, franked with strip of three Fuad 5 mills taken from a booklet (shaved perfs at base) for registration from clear Choubra Gardens CDS (Reg cachet alongside) to Heliopolis. Reverse has Cairo transit and Heliopolis arrival registration CDS
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